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Burrow Deutsch

English to German Dictionary: Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für "burrow"

Subtle Nuances of "burrow" in English and German

Proper Usage and Examples

The verb "burrow" is a versatile word in English, encompassing a range of meanings related to digging and dwelling underground. Its German counterpart, "graben", shares some of these meanings but also diverges in certain contexts. Let's explore the nuances of "burrow" and its German translation to ensure accurate communication:

"To burrow" primarily refers to the act of digging a hole or tunnel in the earth, typically by animals such as rabbits or moles. In German, this specific sense is captured by the verb "graben", which means "to dig". For instance, "The rabbit burrowed a deep hole in the ground" becomes "Das Kaninchen grub ein tiefes Loch in den Boden".

Beyond physical excavation, "to burrow" can also be used figuratively in English to describe the act of hiding or concealing oneself. In this context, the German equivalent is not "graben" but rather "sich vergraben", which literally means "to bury oneself". For example, "She burrowed away in her room, avoiding contact" translates to "Sie vergrub sich in ihrem Zimmer und mied den Kontakt".

Additionally, "to burrow" can refer to the act of living in an underground dwelling. In German, the corresponding term for this is "in Erdhöhlen wohnen", which means "to live in burrows". For example, "The foxes burrowed in a den beneath the shed" becomes "Die Füchse wohnten in einem Bau unter dem Schuppen".

To further expand our understanding, let's consider some specific examples of how "burrow" is used in sentences and its corresponding German translation:

  • "The mice burrowed into the haystack in search of food." - "Die Mäuse gruben sich auf der Suche nach Nahrung in den Heuhaufen."
  • "The archaeologists burrowed through the ruins, uncovering ancient artifacts." - "Die Archäologen gruben sich durch die Ruinen und deckten antike Artefakte auf."
  • "The soldiers burrowed foxholes in the ground for protection." - "Die Soldaten gruben sich zum Schutz Fuchslöcher in den Boden."
  • "She burrowed her head into the pillow, trying to escape the noise." - "Sie vergrub ihren Kopf im Kissen und versuchte, dem Lärm zu entkommen."
  • "The rabbits burrowed in a warren near the edge of the forest." - "Die Kaninchen wohnten in einem Kaninchenbau am Rande des Waldes."

By delving into the nuances of "burrow" and its German translation, we gain a deeper understanding of the subtle differences between the two languages. This knowledge enables us to communicate effectively and accurately, whether discussing literal digging, figurative hiding, or the habitat of underground creatures.
