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Review Of The Total State By Auron Macintyre

Review of "The Total State" by Auron MacIntyre

A Comprehensive Exploration of the Dangers of Totalitarianism

The Total State by Auron MacIntyre is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the dangers of totalitarianism. MacIntyre presents a comprehensive and thought-provoking analysis of the totalitarian state, its origins, characteristics, and impact on society.

The Rise of Totalitarianism

MacIntyre argues that totalitarianism is the result of a complex interplay of political, economic, and social factors. He identifies the rise of mass society, the decline of traditional values, and the growth of bureaucracy as key contributors to the rise of totalitarian regimes. Mass society, characterized by large-scale organizations and the weakening of community ties, provides fertile ground for totalitarian ideologies to take hold.

Characteristics of the Total State

According to MacIntyre, the totalitarian state is characterized by six key features: * **Absolute power:** The government exercises complete control over all aspects of society, including the economy, culture, and education. * **Single party rule:** Political power is concentrated in the hands of a single party, which suppresses all opposition. * **Ideological indoctrination:** The government uses propaganda and education to indoctrinate citizens with the official ideology. * **Mass surveillance:** The government monitors all aspects of citizens' lives, creating a climate of fear and paranoia. * **Terror:** The government uses violence and intimidation to crush dissent and enforce conformity. * **Cult of personality:** The leader of the totalitarian state is often the object of a cult of personality, with his image and ideas pervading all aspects of society.

The Impact of Totalitarianism

MacIntyre argues that totalitarianism has devastating consequences for society. He highlights the suppression of individual freedom, the destruction of civil liberties, and the erosion of human dignity. Totalitarian regimes also lead to economic stagnation, environmental degradation, and social disintegration.


MacIntyre's "The Total State" is a valuable contribution to the understanding of totalitarianism. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the causes, characteristics, and consequences of this dangerous political system. MacIntyre's work is a timely reminder of the importance of vigilance and resistance against the forces that threaten to erode our freedoms and undermine our democratic values.
